Using Burp-Suite


Burp-Suite is a set of tools packaged in a single framework that will be helpful when assessing web applications. A series of videos is provided below to help get started with Burp-Suite.

YouTubeVideo Tutorials


YouTubeHow to Install Java on Windows
YouTubeHow to install Java on Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Kali)
YouTubeBurp Suite 2: How to Install on Windows
YouTubeBurp Suite 2: How to Install on Linux
YouTubeBurp Suite 2: Create Shortcut on Desktop (Linux)
YouTubeBurp-Suite 2: Configure Firefox with Burp Suite
YouTubeBurp Suite 2: Adding Burps Certificate to Firefox
YouTubeHow to Install and Configure Foxy Proxy with Firefox
YouTubeBurp Suite 2: Configuring Intercept Feature
YouTubeBurp Suite 2: Setting Scope
YouTubeBurp Suite 2: Configuring Site Map and Targets
YouTubeBurp Suite 2: Site Map Filters
YouTubeBurp Suite 2: Proxy History
YouTubeBurp Suite 2: Repeater Tool
YouTubeBurp Suite 2: Intruder Tool - Sniper Mode
YouTubeBurp Suite 2: Intruder Tool - Battering Ram Mode
YouTubeBurp Suite 2: Intruder Tool - Pitchfork Mode
YouTubeBurp Suite 2: Intruder Tool - Cluster Mode
YouTubeIntroduction to Burp-Suite Intruders Character Frobber Payload
YouTubeIntroduction to Burp-Suite Intruders Grep-Extract Feature
YouTubeBurp Suite 2: Comparer Tool
YouTubeBurp Suite 2: Decoder Tool
YouTubeBurp Suite 2: Adding Extentions
YouTubeBurp Suite 2: Configuring Upstream Proxy
YouTubeUsing OWASP ZAP with Burp-Suite: Best of Both Worlds