Client-side Comments


Applications may contain comments within the client-side source code. Common locations include HTML and JavaScript comments.

YouTubeVideo Tutorials

Discovery Methodology

While these comments are not visible in the browser, they can be seen by using the browsers "View Source"/"View Page Source" feature. Also, tools and techniques are availble to automatically parse comments from an entire site.


Comments can be seen in clear-text. Tools are available to help automate examination of entire sites.

Print comments of default pages for list of servers
while read HOST; do echo -n $HOST:; curl -v --silent --connect-timeout 2 --max-time 3 $HOST 2>&1 | grep -A 100 "<\!--"; echo; done < hosts.txt
Print comments from a copy of a site (i.e. from spidering with wget)
wget -r http://localhost/mutillidae grep -r -A 10 "<\!--" *
NMAP: Sweeping for comments
nmap -p 80,443 -v -Pn --script=http-comments-displayer --open -iL hosts.txt

There is a sensitive comment on the Mutillidae Home page. Visit the Home page. View the page source to see comments.
