Setting up LDAP Server

LDAP Server Credentials

When logging into PHP Ldap Admin, use the following credentials:

Username: cn=admin,dc=mutillidae,dc=localhost
Password: mutillidae

Setting up LDAP server for Mutillidae

Install Stand-Alone LDAP Daemon (slapd). When asked, set the admin password to "mutillidae" (without the quotes). If these settings are not desired, ensure whatever settings are chosen match those in includes/
sudo apt install slapd ldap-utils
Check that the server is running. The status should be "active (running)".
systemctl status slapd
Configure the LDAP server with dpkg-reconfigure
sudo dpkg-reconfigure slapd
Enter the following values

Omit LDAP server configuration: NO
DNS domain name: mutillidae.localhost
Organization name: mutillidae
Administrator password: mutillidae
Database backend: MDB
Do you want the database to be removed when slapd is purged? No
Move old database? Yes
Allow LDAPv2 protocol? No (Note: Not all packages ask this question)

Install php-ldap. Determine version of PHP with
php -v
Install the version of php-ldap that matches the version of PHP. For example
sudo apt-get install php-ldap sudo service apache2 restart
Import the directory used by Mutillidae into the local the LDAP directory. LDIF files are copies of an LDAP directory (database). LDIF files can be imported with tools like Apache Directory Studio. A copy of the directory used by Mutillidae is available in file
ldapadd -c -x -D "cn=admin,dc=mutillidae,dc=localhost" -w mutillidae -H ldap:// -f /var/www/mutillidae/configuration/openldap/mutillidae.ldif

When logging into PHP Ldap Admin, use the following credentials:

Username: cn=admin,dc=mutillidae,dc=localhost
Password: mutillidae