Setting up the database...

If you see no error messages, it should be done.
Continue back to the frontpage.

HTML 5 Local and Session Storage cleared unless error popped-up already.
Attempting to connect to MySQL server on host localhost with user name u307704391_mutillidae
Connected to MySQL server at localhost as u307704391_mutillidae
Preparing to drop database u307704391_mutillidae
Executed query 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS' for database u307704391_mutillidae with result 1
Preparing to create database u307704391_mutillidae
Executed query 'CREATE DATABASE' for database u307704391_mutillidae with result 1
Switching to use database u307704391_mutillidae
Executed query 'USE DATABASE' u307704391_mutillidae with result 1
Executed query 'CREATE TABLE' with result 1
Executed query 'CREATE TABLE' with result 1
Executed query 'CREATE TABLE' with result 1
Executed query 'CREATE TABLE' with result 1
Executed query 'INSERT INTO TABLE' with result 1
Executed query 'INSERT INTO TABLE' with result 1
Executed query 'CREATE TABLE' with result 1
Executed query 'INSERT INTO TABLE' with result 1
Executed query 'CREATE TABLE' with result 1
Executed query 'INSERT INTO TABLE' with result 1
Executed query 'CREATE TABLE' with result 1
Executed query 'CREATE TABLE' with result 1
Executed query 'CREATE TABLE' with result 1
Executed query 'INSERT INTO TABLE' with result 1
Executed query 'CREATE TABLE' with result 1
Executed query 'CREATE TABLE' with result 1
Executed query 'CREATE TABLE' with result 1
Executed query 'INSERT INTO TABLE' with result 1
Executed query 'CREATE TABLE' with result 1
Executed query 'INSERT INTO TABLE' with result 1
Trying to build XML version of accounts table to update accounts XML data/accounts.xml
Do not worry. A default version of the file is included if this does not work.
Trying to build text version of accounts table to update password text file passwords/accounts.txt
Do not worry. A default version of the file is included if this does not work.
Executed query 'SELECT * FROM accounts'. Found 23 records.
Could not write accounts XML to data/accounts.xml - Oh snap. Trying to create an XML version of the accounts file did not work out.
Using default version of accounts.xml
Wrote accounts to passwords/accounts.txt